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Level 6

Principles of Ecology

Ecosystem, population and community ecology, energy in ecological system and global sustainability, biogeochemical cycles, human influence on the atmosphere; human influence on the pedosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere; learning in nature, introduction to laboratory measurement, environmental pollution.

Water Technology

Water cycle, characteristics and quality, water distribution networks, water treatment, hydraulics, pumping regimes, operation of a water network, water filters, disinfection, basic principles of membrane technologies, water desalination methods, distillation, demineralisation, energy recovery; waste water, sewage systems, impact on nature, bioreactors, biological wastewater treatment, water policy and strategy, integrated water resources management, virtual water concept.

Sustainable Land Use

Role of agriculture, soil functions, soil-water-biosphere, soil and land degradation and conservation, farming practices relevant to soil protection, agriculture and land use in Mediterranean region, sustainable land use management, effects of animal management on soil and water, policies on sustainable land use, land users and other stakeholders, agreed land resources development plan, crop and production systems, nutrient balance.

Level 7

Environmental Impact Assessment

Basic mechanisms of sustainable development, components and contents of an environmental impact assessment, main environmental attributes, baseline environment, assessment and prediction of impacts on the environment, role of the public in the environmental assessment and decision-making process, environmental management plan.

Ecosystem Analysis & Management

Basics of human-environmental system interaction, system analysis and ecosystem theory, biological diversity, ecological modelling, modern methods of natural resource management, ecosystem assessment services.

Sustainable Urban Transport

Transportation trends, energy consumption in the transport sector, alternative fuels for transportation, transport infrastructure and transport markets, development of sustainable transport scenarios.

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